GOP Representative Fischbach: Biden Vegas Emergency Call Raises Questions

Republican Representative Michelle Fischbach said on Saturday that an audio recording released on Friday regarding an emergency call regarding President Joe Biden when he was in Las Vegas only days before he dropped out of the presidential campaign raises questions about who is really running the country.

“We certainly should have known,” said Fischbach. “I think it’s obviously worse than any of us ever thought it was, and I question whether or not he should still be in office for the rest of his term.”

Audio from the July 17 Las Vegas police, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and obtained by the Oversight Project, confirms a medical emergency was declared for the president.

The clips weren’t time-stamped but came from a general channel where the police coordinated additional units — that weren’t involved in Joe Biden’s protective detail — to halt traffic en route to a local area hospital.

As heard in both clips, officers were requested to respond with an emergency response posture, or Code 3.

At 21 minutes into one of the clips, an officer says, “For everybody on the radio, right now they’re on a hold for something regarding the President,” while telling officers to allow traffic through intersections while they await the motorcade.

The detail was informed that the president was “421” and being seen shortly after. According to the Las Vegas code sheet, code 421 means an injured or sick person.

“We’re just trying to figure out what’s going on and where we’re gonna go from there,” says the audio.

Mid-July, the White House announced Biden had Covid — then he dropped out

On July 17, the White House announced Biden had tested positive for Covid, and on July 21 the president bowed out of the campaign.

Fischbach said the White House has been covering up President Biden’s issues for “years and years.”

“I think really what it boils down to for the country is, can we trust anything they say,” said Fischbach. “They’ve been willing to cover this up and lie for years to allow him to stay in office and continue their power, so I’m very concerned about this.”

The representative said such news makes one “question who’s running the country.” “One of the questions I get a lot when I’m out in my district is who’s really running the country.”

Fischbach also discussed the controversy swirling around Democrat Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz and his military service record.

“We’ve been talking about this in Minnesota since he ran for Congress,” Fischbach said. “I would listen to his fellow Guardsmen who are calling him out on this, calling him out on his service, calling him out, and we honor his service.”

However, she said Walz has tried to make his service in the military “far more than it really was” by claiming he served in the war.

“It’s a huge concern, but it says a lot more about Kamala Harris’ judgment than anything because this was already out there, and she knew about it, and she chose him anyway,” Fischbach said. “She allowed this to continue.”