Association of American Medical Colleges Slammed for Forcing Critical Race Theory on Students

The group that sets the standards for medical education, The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), recently released standards pushed by the far-left forcing students to study and apply its ideology while integrating equity, inclusion, and diversity into formal medical curricula.

The AAMC published the New and Emerging Areas in Medicine series to help students to benefit from “advancements in medical education over the past 20 years. The third report from the collection “focuses on competencies for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

The report noted that recent medical school graduates need to identify “systems of power, privilege, and oppression and their impacts on health outcomes” and demonstrate “knowledge about the role of explicit and implicit bias in delivering high-quality health care.” They should also be able to describe “past and current examples of racism and oppression,” including “white privilege, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious oppression” and articulate “race as a social construct that is a cause of health and health care inequities.”

Board-certified kidney specialist and Chair of the Board of Do No Harm, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, feels the AAMC is doing more harm than good with the newly-released standards and believes they will bring the ire of the American people. Do No Harm is a group of medical professionals dedicated to eliminating all political agendas from healthcare.

“The AAMC agenda means that critical race theory will be an integral part of the education of medical students, and this can only lead to discrimination against one racial group vs. another. One of the leaders of CRT, Dr. Ibrim Kendi, has declared that past discrimination can only be cured by future discrimination. I do not think the American people will like this kind of health care,” said Dr. Goldfarb in an interview.

“The AAMC sets the standards for medical education,” continued Goldfarb. “This latest set of expectations for the education of medical students and residents is nothing more than indoctrination in a political ideology and can only detract from achieving a health care system that treats all individual patients optimally.”

Recently, Legal Insurrection’s found that at least 39 of America’s 50 most prestigious medical universities and colleges have a form of mandatory coursework or student training on ideas related to critical race theory. The organization monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education.

“The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education. The swiftness and depth to which race-focused social justice education has penetrated medical schools reflect the broader disturbing trends in higher education” said Legal Insurrection founder William A Jacobson.

Jacobson is a clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School. He also found that 39 of the top 50 medical schools have “some form of mandatory student training or coursework” related to critical race theory. Thirty-eight of them offered materials by authors Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, whose books call for discrimination.

“Mandatory so-called ‘anti-racism’ training moves the focus away from patients and toward ideology as the focus of medical education. “This is a drastic change from focusing on the individual rather than racial or ethnic stereotypes,” said Jacobson.

AMA is committed to using CRT

The American Medical Association (AMA) is committed to using CRT
The AMA committed to utilizing CRT in 2021 in various ways while criticizing the idea that people from differing backgrounds should be treated the same. All 50 medical schools examined by are accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, sponsor of the Association of American Medical Colleges. The Committee has taken steps to support “anti-racist” initiatives and the AMA.

Jacobson said he believes the emphasis has shifted to “diversity, equity, and inclusion-entrenched bureaucracies that promote, protect and relentlessly expand their administrative territory in medical schools.” However, they should instead keep the focus on and direct resources “to expand medical knowledge and patient care, not to enforce an ideological viewpoint.”